
Cyanocobalamin VS Hydroxo/Methyl/Adenosyl-cobalamin, the war of the B12 vitamins

Since vitamin B12 is essential for the good health of vegetarians and vegans, it leads to fiery debates on the effectiveness of its different forms. Back to the controversy and what science says about it.

A little clarification on the subject of Vegan France

An uncompromising summary of our exchanges and adventures with our friends from the french Vegan Federation

Portrait of Ramona, Vegan Trail Runner & Ironwoman

Discover the interview of vegan trail runner Ramona, passionate about nature and organic yoghurts. And the very first Bio Frères ambassador!

barbecue vegetarien visuel

Vegetarian Barbecue : 15 Quick, Easy and Delicious Ideas

15 simple ideas guaranteed 100% meat-free for your vegetarian barbecue with (almost) all seasonal and easy-to-find foods.

Marine Papaï.fr

A friendly chat with Marine from Papaï.fr

If you are looking for a 0 waste and Végan online sales site, Papaï.fr is for you! Jérémie proves it to you in an interview with Marine, the designer of your next favorite boutique.

The role of iodine, you will discover

The role of iodine, you will discover

Iodine is a trace element, that is to say a mineral salt that cannot be produced by our body… Alexis tells you all about it in detail!

All you need to know about Zinc

All you need to know about zinc

Zinc is an essential trace element for a wide range of biological functions and Alexis tells you all about it in detail!

The Omegas : benefits and virtues

The Omegas: benefits and virtues

Omegas play an essential role in our metabolism. Want to know more ? Alexis tells you all about it!

iron allegations

Iron: definition, sources and deficiencies in 5 min

Iron is very important! If you want to know why read this article by Alexis which tells you everything about what science says about it, the sources, the deficiencies…

Magnesium : a short guide

Magnesium: a short guide

Magnesium plays an essential role in many cellular processes. Want to know more? Alexis tells you all about it!

vitamin d allegations

Vitamin D: everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask

Vitamin D, its benefits on the body, the signs of a lack, the different forms… Follow the guide, Alexis tells you everything.

vitamin b12 allegations

Vitamin B12: the complete guide for vegetarians and vegans

Whether you are vegetarian or vegan, having a healthy and varied diet is not enough to be healthy. It is essential to supplement with vitamin B12.
That’s good, we produce a B12 (the betwelve for friends) of superior quality! You can therefore take our word for it, or read our super comprehensive guide that answers everything you always wanted to know about vitamin B12 but were afraid to ask.